My Updates

Camino Training - 2 Months out
Monday 3rd Feb Training has continued right through summer but its meant often having to get up at 4 or 4.30 to smash out a walk and beat the heat. This is not really how the actual walk will proceed - its a more leisurely pace - but its about getting time and miles into your feet and legs. So typically the training has been 4-5 hours and 21-23 kms - twice a week. I also do shorter walks pretty much every other day and regularly walk 18 holes of golf once or twice a week.
Camino Training - 3 Months Out
Wednesday 1st Jan

Why Am I Challenging the Camino Frances?
Tuesday 19th Nov

Camino Training - 4 months Out
Monday 18th Nov
Thank you to my Sponsors


Love this!

Dan Bognar

Helen Dean
Wishing you an amazing adventure and all the best Will!

Roger Tregear
I agree with Sharon Good luck Your only as old as you want to be Thanks for showing me that

Nice one Will! I've always admired your commitment to this cause.

Leeanne Coghlan
Enjoy your 800kms & 70th birthday day run. It will be amazing running through the countryside of France.

John Watson
Hi Will. A great walk and a great cause. I’ve had the pleasure of walking the French Way twice now and I’m sure you will enjoy the challenge and the experience. All the best with your preparation and enjoy your way.

Trent Walsh
Good on you, Will, for such a grand undertaking in aide of a great cause. Hope my small contribution helps get you to the goal.

Paul Crerand
That should be a nice stroll Will. I watched a documentary of someone doing it, looks like a very nice walk. Wishing you all the very best.

Philip Sack
All the very best for the trip Will.
You are a champion!